

Senior Plan 顶石 Project 2021

校长 Audrius Barzdukas P’20 提前祝贺了2021届毕业生的虚拟高级计划, the 高级顶点 presentations on Friday, 5月28日. “Learning is not just the taking in, but the sharing of knowledge and adding to the body of human knowledge,他说. “Today, you are going to share your knowledge. 祝贺你!”


Head of 上学校 莎拉·贝茨 欢迎学生和教师度过“一年中最好的日子之一”,因为庆祝活动是四年学习的高潮.


12年级的学生需要参加一个学期的高级顶点课程作为毕业要求. 校友 knew this project as Senior Plan, 该项目始于1985年,其主题广泛:教育, 文学, 科学, 和政治.

How 顶石 Works 
senior capstone 2021

Senior Plan is now supported by a once-weekly course in which students are grouped by theme: 社区 Engagement; Humanities & Social 科学s; Math, 科学 & Technology; or Visual & 表演艺术. 在这些小组中,学生们接受指导,相互合作,并报告他们的工作. 被选为各自领域高级计划教学研究员的教师带领学生通过关键阶段:选择一个主题, articulating a focused line of inquiry, 研究, determining a response to the research question, synthesizing findings, reflecting on the process of learning.

艾米丽嘉丁纳 P’24, ‘27, Chair, 上学校 院长, Dr. 维吉尼亚狄龙, 历史老师, are current co-chairs of 高级顶点. 加德纳说:“我们从前任历史主席路易丝·福赛斯那里接管了这个职位. They introduced the concept of a faculty reviewer, someone in a field related to the senior’s topic, who could evaluate their work at several key points. The projects are evaluated based on the initial research question; review of sources; a first draft response to your research question; outline; abstract of 250 words; and final portfolio.

高级顶点 演讲

Topics for the presentations were wide ranging and timely. Among them were: Perspectives on the Pandemic; Art in Historical Context; Causes and Effects of Inequality; Shaping and Reshaping Identities; Education Best Practices; Texts & Contexts; Talent, Creativity & Commerce; U.S. History in the Present; Art as Sociopolitical Expression; 社区, Marginalization & Support; Technology, Health & 身体. Here is a sampling of some of the presentations from the day.

In a panel, Perspectives on the Pandemic, 艾弗里·迈尔斯21岁 谈到幼儿如何处理远程学习以及远程学习对儿童社会发展的影响. She noted the lack of many service resources, such as food or after-school care, for children when school is closed.

Josh Hartley ’21, 他研究了1915年的电影《十大博彩网站排名博彩平台网址大全》(Birth of a Nation),认为它是三k党死而复生的催化剂, used clips from the film showing how it was used as a recruitment tool. He noted that the film was censored in New York City.

In his presentation, Isadore Axinn ’21, at his piano at home,  talked about classical music as a genre, 演奏巴赫和勃拉姆斯的作品来展示巴洛克风格和浪漫主义风格的区别. 他考虑了我们今天如何接触音乐,以及未来会是什么样子.

Lola Stephens ‘21 explained how diets affect our microbiomes, 我们的肠道健康, 以及生活在贫困中的美国人的饮食如何在一个“将利润置于健康之上”的体系中受到影响.” 大卫·杜玛,21岁 followed with a discussion of “Food Deserts,” noting that 1.300万纽约人的食物缺乏保障,许多人因为缺乏健康的食物选择而患有肥胖症或糖尿病. 他建议在一些地区用新鲜水果推车来代替从酒店买的零食.

Anisha Khanna ’21 focused on the long term digestive health problems due to stress. 她提出,在改变生活方式并接受替代治疗后,可以看到胃肠道问题的改善.

Julia Schnipper ’21 讨论了计算机化医疗对患者体验和患者结果的影响,结论是技术给医学带来的巨大优势(机器人手术), CAD radiology reports, 等), but there are many factors to consider to ensure equity and safety, as well as economic benefits.

In her presentation, Charlotte Knutsen ’21 考虑艺术教育和美国不平等,并指出一些学生受益于特权, especially in independent schools, but that all students, if given the opportunity, 能从学习音乐中受益吗.

新闻中有这么多博彩网站排名恶意黑客的报道,这似乎特别及时 Guari Purohit ’21 focused her presentation on a “proactive, 防守, 她在题为“当坏人实际上是好人:道德黑客的兴起”的演讲中谈到了网络和数据安全 & The Evolution of Cybersecurity in the Modern Age,她表示,她对网络安全的兴趣源于她父亲的职业,以及她参加的纽约大学坦顿工程学院CS4CS网络安全计算机科学暑期项目. She also gave a shoutout to Poly faculty members Head of Technology Charles Polizano P’18琼Belford, 本·法勒, Michael Rosenberg. Beyond the revenue losses a data breach can inflict on a business, it also can affect the company’s reputation, losses of intellectual property, as well as “hidden” costs of regulatory and legal fees, 负面新闻, customer backlash, 等. 道德黑客是对抗数据泄露的有用工具,可以帮助公司积极主动地保护自己的安全, rather than reactive.

matthew graham senior capstone

In a panel on Talent Creativity & 商业, Matthew Graham ’21 considered “Mid-century modern and consumer culture,” and architecture, using the observations of architectural critic Lewis Mumford, historian Vincent Scully, architectural historian Alice Friedman.

  Taejun Kim-Grant ’21 专注于嘻哈和“技术和消费者的发展”流派. 他提到了“流媒体音乐如何打破厂牌模式”,以及说唱歌手如何在社交媒体上与粉丝互动.

Davonte Fuentes ’21 考虑了NCAA以及大学篮球运动员是否应该得到补偿. 他指出,如果2020年没有面对面的比赛,大学将遭受经济损失,而且运动员的价值也将基于他们在社交媒体上的关注.

In one of the panels during the last session of the day, students considered Art as Sociopolitical Expression. 卡廷·利伯德,21岁 focused on “Activist Art.她从全球角度考虑艺术,并指出“同理心是理解自我和他人的核心。.利伯德举了黑豹的小册子、首尔的反中产阶级化运动、美国的反中产阶级化运动、美国的反中产阶级化运动等例子. Korea, mimes used to direct traffic in Bogota, Colombia. In her study of “World War I art/cultural innovation,” Golda Bonjean-Alpart ’21 讨论了战争如何影响达达主义、超现实主义和立体主义的艺术运动.

Lola Williams ’21, herself a dancer at Poly, 报告了她对“黑人艺术运动和埃利奥·波马雷”的研究,以及舞蹈如何具有教育意义和行动主义的载体. 波马雷是一位哥伦比亚裔美国现代舞编导,他在20世纪60年代以政治作品而闻名. 威廉姆斯在演讲结束时分享的照片中重现了波马雷的一些舞蹈姿势.

Distinction Earned for Senior Plan 顶石 Projects

6月2日, 贝茨宣布并祝贺那些在高级顶点项目中获得优异成绩的学生. “你的奉献, 体贴, 他对知识追求的投入令人印象深刻,”她说。. “Thank you for giving us so much; we are exceptionally proud of you!”
