



At least 24 Poly Blue Devil student-athletes from the Class of 2023 will be taking their talents to the diamonds, 字段, 法院, and pools of colleges and universities from Georgetown and the University of Miami on the East Coast to Pepperdine and UCLA on the West Coast, 以及即将到来的美国海军学院. 访问我们的 大学里的蓝魔 page to see more Poly student athletes who have gone on to play at the college level.

其中有6人来自大学橄榄球队, 四名来自NYSAIS冠军棒球队, 三名女子排球运动员, 两名来自女子篮球队, 两个男孩曲棍球队员, 两个轨道 & 场的竞争对手, 男子篮球个人运动员, 女子曲棍球, 男孩的足球, 和男子壁球队, 还是个水球运动员!

“Our graduating student-athletes proudly represent 保利预科 and our community as they dream of matriculating and competing at the next level,” 田径运动负责人Rich Corso. “我们为所有的运动队感到无比兴奋, with them continuously working to fulfill our mission to develop academic, 运动, 和生活冠军. 我要祝贺我们的学生运动员, 教练, and parents for raising the bar of excellence in the classroom on the playing field—all the best next fall with your intercollegiate opportunities.”


本Rosenblatt 渴望在猩红骑士中占有一席之地. 他已经在罗格斯大学的宿舍安顿下来了, 加入了他的队友在举重室, 暑假要修两门课. He said the highlight of his Poly career was “playing my senior year at Poly with most of the guys I had been playing with since 中学 and on JV and just being on the field with them." Rosenblatt, who played wide receiver on Poly’s Varsity 足球 team said of his Rutgers career, “I look forward to helping contribute to my team’s success and working to become the best player I can be.”


Zeraun丹尼尔, 谁会把他的足球技术带到乔治城大学, was also part of the Boys’ Track and 场 team that won the 2023 NYSAIS Championship. Daniel went to the federation championships to compete in the high jump event, 但他不打算在大学里成为两项运动的运动员. “I want to focus on football, but if the opportunity arises, I might take the chance [to play both]. I’m forever thankful for everything that track has helped me to achieve. The highlight of my 运动 career at Poly has to be our undefeated senior football season. Every game leading up to the championship was filled with grit and determination and especially the semifinals against Pingry. 绝对是我们最接近的比赛,在我看来, 最令人兴奋的是,它给保利带来了竞争.”


茱莉亚'Belle信用 会继续参加田径比赛吗 & 布朗大学的菲尔德. Reyfman took first place in the Girls’ javelin event at the 2023 New York Relays at Ichan Stadium. “我的Poly Track的亮点 & 田径生涯是2022年的常春藤锦标赛,”雷夫曼回忆道. “女子标枪是最后一项比赛,比赛进行得很晚. The sun was setting in the most picture-perfect way as we were throwing and the whole team came down to the runway to watch and cheer. Although I didn’t win that day, the team spirit was the highest I have ever experienced. During every throw that I took, good or not so-good, everyone was cheering. 我很自豪能成为一名蓝魔. 明年我将参加布朗大学的标枪比赛. 我非常兴奋地看到下一章将会带来什么.”


阿方索Rada is 去汉密尔顿学院打棒球. “I am an infielder, and I believe I will be primarily a third baseman in college,” Rada said. “The highlight of my 运动 career at Poly was winning the 2023 NYSAIS Championship. 这是结束我高中棒球生涯的完美方式, and it was one of the most exciting games that I have ever played in.”

阿罗德里格斯, 23岁

阿罗德里格斯即将前往迈阿密大学(University of Miami)的她曾在保利大学打排球. She won Poly’s Chuck Kaufman Memorial Award and played for the Dominican Republic at the Pan American Cup. “在我在保利的运动生涯中,罗德里格斯说, “肯定有很多亮点. 然而, I have to admit that my greatest memory from my time here is winning back-to-back NYSAIS championships for such an amazing school. 一直以来都是艰苦的工作, 饥饿, and dedication from the volleyball team and I would do it again with the same group of wonderful girls.她补充道, “I am looking forward to new friendships on the court and in the classroom, D1所面临的挑战, and the amazing atmosphere the University of Miami puts forward for anyone and everyone who steps on campus!”

Elektra urbansch ' 23

厄勒克特拉Urbatsch, 今年秋天谁会为加州大学洛杉矶分校打水球, has enjoyed an international competitive career over the past few years. 2022年在希腊训练后,她被邀请代表美国国家队参赛.S. at the Australian National Championships, the equivalent to the USA water polo junior Olympics. 厄巴什从四岁起就是一名游泳运动员. 作为 保利大学游泳队, she competed in the 200 medley relay and 400 freestyle relay and set new Poly records in the 50 meter and 100 meter freestyle. 作为一名多项目运动员,厄巴什也在保利队打球 大学排球队 which took home the NYSAIS and Ivy League championships in 2021 and 2022.


菲利普·劳伦斯, who is headed to the University of Chicago this fall to play basketball, 被授予骷髅勋章, which is presented to the seniors who have excelled both in scholarship and 运动s. “I would say the highlight of my basketball career at Poly had to have been hitting the game-winning shot, 蜂鸣器响起, 在2022年的NYSAIS冠军赛中,劳伦斯回忆道. “We were the underdogs against Portledge, a strong team from Long Island who we had beaten in 2020.  Many student athletes in the class of 2023 had a disruption in their respective seasons because of COVID. Our team lost a year and being able to play in only three seasons made me appreciate every moment with the team and 教练. 团队的化学反应, 毫无疑问, was a contributor to our successes and I know how fortunate I am to have made these friendships with the players and 教练. Being a part of such a successful team with amazing 教练 like Coach De La Rosa, 教练凯特灵, 教练艾, 而达米教练一定会让我为下一阶段做好准备.他补充说,“我很兴奋能在芝加哥大学打球。. I have been able to practice with the team a few times as well as spend time with the players off the court. There is a strong sense of brotherhood and I immediately felt welcome. 我想我最期待的是接受挑战.  Much like my transition to Poly in 2019, players are bigger, stronger, and more experienced. 我有很多工作要做,但我很期待.”


伊丽莎·施瓦兹 另一个2023年的保利桨杯冠军是谁, 授予学术和运动成绩兼而有之者. 在颁奖典礼上, 她的教练Lisa Beltramello这样评价她, “在长曲棍球场上, 她每年参加比赛都获得荣誉和奖项. 本赛季他总共扑救了137次,扑救率达到71%, no one even in the Ivy Prep League even comes close to her talent in goal. 在两个季节里, she has had a total of 273 saves and has won First Team All Ivy Prep League honors in that same time. 她也是一名美国公民.S. 去年全美曲棍球奖获得者, an honor that only a handful of student-athletes in the country hold. 她在汉密尔顿学院继续她的职业生涯, 在那里她能看到三区最好的曲棍球队.”
